Izzan Haziq

I have a particular affinity for bread-based products, metal music and the minimalist aesthetic. Also, naps are great.
Neck Deep: Moshing, Surfing, Diving

Neck Deep: Moshing, Surfing, Diving

This January has seen a spate of unseasonal showers (and wet laundry) but it wasn’t just water falling last Wednesday. Over at *SCAPE The Ground Theatre, stage divers were falling off the stage at a rate of one every ten seconds, goaded by their friends and the music as they moshed. We lost count of how many people dived or surfed (or for a few, failed to dive or surf), we just know it was a lot of fans. Such was the intensity of the moshing at Neck Deep‘s very first performance in Singapore during the 2016 World Tour. Even vocalist…
Jude Young Interview: Life is Infinitely Inspiring

Jude Young Interview: Life is Infinitely Inspiring

One of the first major local releases of 2016 comes from a promising, new face with a voice that will cement itself in the hearts of many. At just 22, Jude Young has already made some major appearances, performing at events such as Esplanade’s Yfest 2013 and the Noise Singapore 2014 Festival Exhibition. His honest songs are tinged with a youthful exuberance (much like the man himself) that is sure to leave an indelible mark on the local music scene. Jude’s new single, aptly titled “Young”, is a rousing anthem with a string arrangement backing his lush, earnest vocals. Its positive…
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