
Dialogues About the Inclusive Future of Fashion in True Colors Fashion: The Future is Now!

Now, perhaps more than ever, fashion is becoming truly democratic.

No longer is it within the exclusive purview of the most affluent, those glossy creatures who live in their penthouse suites overlooking the city from behind glass panes of inviolability. Noโ€”now, fashion is available to everyone; it is truly inclusive.

The Future is Now!: Cover Image
The Future is Now! is a celebration of technology- and accessibility-enhanced fashion, which will make fashion more inclusive and accessible

If you donโ€™t believe me, just watch True Colors Fashion: The Future is Now!โ€”a new series forming part of the True Colors Festival now streaming on YouTube.

In a series of videos fusing the worlds of fashion and technology, The Future is Now! will challenge the boundaries of fashion. From hearing aids being accepted as part of fashion and style to technology-enhanced trench coats that renew the confidence of arm amputees, the โ€˜unfashionableโ€™ is now being brought into vogue.

The Future is Now!: Mission ARM Japan and HATRA
Mission ARM Japan and HATRA will discuss how a newly designed trench coat will imbue arm amputees with renewed confidence

In a celebration of two different worlds, The Future is Now! will feature a collaboration of leading tech companies and fashion brands to bring this vision to life. Among those participating are SONY Computer Science (which specialises in robotics-enhanced prosthetics) and Tommy Hilfiger Adaptive (a major fashion label with an adaptive line released biannually).

The Future is Now!: Tommy Hilfiger
Brands like Tommy Hilfiger, which has an entirely adaptive line released twice a year, will come together with leading tech companies to challenge the boundaries of fashion

However, presenting dialogues on the future of fashion will be for nought without a diverse and inclusive cast of models. For example, Fumiya Hamanoue, a visually impaired climber who represents Japan in the Paralympics, will talk about dialogue and collaboration when designing for people with disabilities. Masatane Muto, a DJ who plays music with his eyes since his diagnosis with ALS, will discuss how accessibility- or technology-enhanced fashion can push back the frontiers of fashion.

These conversations will not be solely limited to the future of technology-enhanced fashion. Other important issues will also be discussed. For example, in a dialogue about gender-neutrality in fashion, Ryuchell and Mikage Shin (of MIKAGE SHIN) will discuss barrier-free approaches to designing fashion. Perhaps male and female clothes should no longer be viewed as distinct categories.

The Future is Now!: MIKAGE SHIN
Among the seminal conversations about barrier-free designs are those regarding the future of gender-neutral fashion

Whatever it is, these dialogues will ignite conversations that will change the way we see the world. Not only will the world of tomorrow be different, but it will also look different. If this is where fashion is headed, I am most certainly onboard!

The Future is Now! is the third instalment in a series produced by Kao Kanamori of Drifters International. Its premise is that fashion should be inclusiveโ€”it should be for everyone. The first part, a documentary, was launched in March earlier this year, and the second was a photo exhibition presented as part of Shibuya Fashion Week in Tokyo.

The Future is Now!: Masatane Muto
To showcase the capabilities of technology, The Future is Now! will feature DJ Masatane Muto (with ALS), who now performs music with his eyes

The True Colors Festival is an international festival of the performing arts. It is a celebration of diversity and inclusion, embracing the fact that we are One World, One Family. 

True Colors Fashion: The Future is Now! premiered on 7 June 2021 and can be streamed online on YouTube. For more information about the True Colors Festival, you can visit the True Colors Festival website.

Visuals courtesy of True Colors Festival.

Theodore Jasper

We are your regular corporation sole with perpetual succession. Is that pretentious enough? Though so.

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