
From Iconic Performances to Unexpected Twists: Coachella 2024 Unveiled!

From Iconic Performances to Unexpected Twists: Coachella 2024 Unveiled!

Coachella 2024 may be over, but we can still reminisce about it! What were the biggest headlines to come out of the event? Check them here!
Tech Brief: Instagram Betrays World, VR Replaces Friends & Festivals, and… Butter Spray

Tech Brief: Instagram Betrays World, VR Replaces Friends & Festivals, and… Butter Spray

Welcome to Tech Brief, your weekly wrap-up on all that’s happened in the tech and startup industries this week!  THIS WEEK, WE’RE GOING TO TALK ABOUT THE TRAITOR THAT IS INSTAGRAM. THAT IS ALL. The World’s Largest Photo-Sharing Platform Just Pissed Off ALL Its Users In a blog post released on 15 March (“BEWARE THE IDES OF MARCH”), Instagram tried its best to convince its few hundred million users that switching to an algorithm-based feed is really the best decision. Wrong. I’m not entirely sure where they plucked that observation that “people miss on average 70 percent of their feeds”…
A Quick Guide For Laneway 2016 Noobs

A Quick Guide For Laneway 2016 Noobs

So the St Jerome’s Laneway Festival is just slightly more than a month away! If you don’t know what that is, it’s basically the closest thing to Coachella we’re ever going to get. But really though, it’s a pretty good place to chill to a fresh mix of music and artists from all over the world. If you’re a Laneway noob (like me) and have no clue which acts to look out for, here’s DANamic.ORG’s quick guide to Laneway 2016! For lovers of rock with a touch of local sensibility, check out Cashew Chemists. This local band beautifully melds the…
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