
Illuminating the Urban Canvas: Light to Night Singapore 2024

Singaporeโ€™s Central Business District (CBD) is an enigma. The stark contrast between the days and nights of Singaporean office workers can be studied in that one district alone. The CBD is a beautiful paradox, from tireless days in the office to unwinding in the bars at night.

A night walk from the Esplanade to Marina Bay Sands has always had the magical ability to fill me with a sense of rejuvenation, as I walk the path lit up gorgeously by the corporate giants found along that stretch. But in January 2024, a new type of light will decorate this boulevard of dreams. Enter โ€” Light to Night Singapore 2024!

Illuminating the Urban Canvas: Light to Night Singapore 2024 Wings of Change
Imagine standing among these giants!

Light to Night is not a stranger to any of us. This visual arts affair has been gracing us with its beauty since 2017 and is back this time, bigger and better than it’s ever been before. This yearโ€™s Light to Night theme is Reimagine, and it serves as an open invitation for attendees to challenge the boundaries of art and rediscover the world we live in. 

Attendees this year can look forward to seeing works by veteran and up-and-coming Southeast Asian artists. The long and extensive list of artists is not confined to our tiny island and extends to our neighbours. From local artists like Lee Wen and Teo Eng Seng to international artists like Arahmaiani from Indonesia, Light to Night 2024 is an event not to be missed.

As a first look into what you can expect from the 2024 edition of this event, allow me to introduce Wings of Change by Kumari Nahappan. Standing at an impressive six metres in height, this installation will light up as the sun starts to set and join the city lights as they illuminate the road. This is just one of the many installations you can expect to be blown away by. 

Illuminating the Urban Canvas: Light to Night Singapore 2024 Ping Pong Go Round by Lee Wen
Who said art was only meant to be seen and never to be touched?

Installations this year will be anything but conventional and are an open defiance of normality. I canโ€™t tell you the number of times Iโ€™ve been forced to admire beautiful artwork from a distance, never being able to reach out and immerse myself fully in the art. Iโ€™m sure this is a universal experience for all of us.

However, Light to Night 2024 goes against that norm and encourages attendees to interact with the works on display. For example, you can look forward to gathering your friends and family for a round of table tennis using local performance artist Lee Wenโ€™s Ping Pong Go-Round

Other interactive works include Wishful Thinking by Whisperlodge, a multi-room installation which will take you on an interactive journey through sounds and textures. Donโ€™t forget to look out for the 8-Bit Word Clouds Cloudscape of Literary Arts Reimagined by Justin Loke, which uses pixelated elements like those of early video games to create a crossword-esque puzzle for you to solve!

Illuminating the Urban Canvas: Light to Night Singapore 2024 Art Skins on Monuments
Seeing the Art Skins on Monuments is an otherworldly experience

For those unfamiliar with Light to Night, the event’s highlight is the Art Skins on Monuments โ€“ where artworks are projected onto the unlikely yet majestic canvas of historical monuments. 

This edition of Light to Night will see a myriad of different artworks by various artists plastered onto the Padang as attendees admire this larger-than-life display of art. Just picture this: the city has grown dark, the skies are void of stars and are ink black. In the distance, you catch a glimpse of the esteemed Padang decorated with wildly unique patterns, making it look even more maestoso.

Even if youโ€™re like me and are a novice art appreciator (at best), this event’s installations will have your jaw on the floor and keep you occupied at every turn. 

Illuminating the Urban Canvas: Light to Night Singapore 2024 Art x Social Festival Village
Why would you deprive yourself of this amazing opportunity?

If the installations at the event werenโ€™t enough to convince you to drop by, there will also be the Art X Social Festival Village that will fill St Andrews Road with food and drink options that will fill your bellies and quench your thirst while you bask in the soundtracks of live bands performing at the Padang Atrium. 

During festival weekends (Fridays to Sundays), the National Gallery is keeping its doors open to visitors until 11 pm and will offer free entry to all exhibitions! Including their year-end exhibition Tropical: Stories from Southeast Asia and Latin America โ€“ which, for those of you loyal readers, might remember weโ€™ve covered. But itโ€™s not too late to check out (our article and the exhibition!) So what are you waiting for? The National Gallery has just given you a golden ticket to immerse yourself in an extraordinary experience like no other.

Light to Night Singapore 2024

Date: 19 January 2024 to 8 February 2024

Location: Various locations around the Civic District

Donโ€™t miss the chance to immerse yourself in these unconventional installations that showcase the best of what Southeast Asia has to offer! Drop by Light to Nightโ€™s official website to pre-book your tickets for the ticketed programmes that you wish to catch.

Visuals courtesy of National Gallery Singapore.

Jillian Metta Lau

Bookworm by day, concert maven by night, and an avid dreamer longing to trade pages for passports and explore the globe's symphony of cultures.

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