
Emma Original Mattress: The DANAMIC Review

Itโ€™s no secret amongst my friends that I have scoliosis and the crooked spine causes me to jump in and out of my bed, rolling up and down and constantly having numbness on my right shoulder. 

My bed is like my sacred space. I spend so much time on it that our editor-in-chief thinks that I am constantly sleeping even though I am working on my bed. Due to back issues, I find myself being horizontal a lot โ€” whether in the office or at home. Upon receiving The Emma Original Mattress, I thought I could finally get rid of my thick and hard mattress that was over ten years old. True enough, this was a great decision I made.

Emma Original Mattress Review: Mattress
The Emma Original Mattress

The mattress itself uses the Innovative Airgocellยฎ regulates temperature that adapts to your body. Although Emma claims that it ensures your sleep remains uninterrupted, it depends on your sleeping habits (which I will elaborate on later). For someone who sleeps intermittently, hereโ€™s my take on the original mattress!

Emma extols the simple set-up process for their mattresses, and it is warranted. When first unboxing the mattress, a rolled-up compressed mattress wrapped in plastic greeted me. All it required was slicing it open and getting it to inflate. The process is indeed simple, though I will say it takes time. After slicing the plastic wrap, the mattress took a quick while to inflate โ€“ roughly 5 minutes fully.

Emma Original Mattress Review: Instructions
Instructions to start are simple: just unpack, unwrap and unwind

As mentioned, the experience for a mattress varies. Letโ€™s be honest; there are two types of people in the world. The ones who shower before hitting the bed, and the one who just jumps in to recuperate until just enough before cleaning up. If you are the latter (like me), youโ€™ll realise that a lot of the time, if your bed is not breathable, youโ€™ll find your bedsheets and bed humid and damp. 

With The Emma Original Mattress, the breathability of the mattress will help you get in and out of the shower to an airy, excellent mattress. This also means that your nights are no longer overly sweaty, and you get to wake up refreshed instead of moist and sticky. As a person who sweats a lot in my sleep, I find my mornings much cooler. The mattress also does not feel damp at all after many days.

Another remarkable aspect of the Emma Original Mattress can be applied to if you work out a lot and end up aching the next day. The mattress is a great stress reliever for your body and makes you feel like youโ€™re the only person in the world.  The mattress feels soft, a bit too soft for me, but it is still acceptable. Some might even feel that theyโ€™re on a cloud!

Emma Original Mattress Review: Softness
The Emma is exceptionally soft and a great reliever of stress for the body

I ache a lot, and it makes me move on and off my bed. There were many times before where I would end up being on the floor, but recently Iโ€™ve noticed I spend more time on my bed when Iโ€™m aching. Do note that the mattress is not medicinal, and it is not a miracle worker, but when you are tired and aching, the first thing you would want to do is lie down and not move. 

However, a thing that was not to my taste was that after the mattress had initially inflated, I felt that the first few nights were quite hard, and it was not quite as enjoyable until after a week. This does not mean that I could not sleep or was not able to sleep. I probably was not used to the mattress and felt myself going on and off the bed and the floor more often than I thought. 

After a week, I felt a โ€œconnectionโ€ with my mattress. We were an inseparable duo. Compared to my old mattress, which was relatively thick and stiff, The Emma Original Mattress was quite soft after a few days. Yet, being a new mattress, it still retained a sense of firmness. I do hope that the mattress will not degrade to being soft and mushy in time to come, but that would probably in a few years.


Emma Original Mattress Review: In Use

Overall, the mattress is a tad too soft for me (think of me as Goldilocks finding the perfect mattress), but it checks every box that I seek to have for a good mattress: breathable, fits my body curve, and keeps me on the mattress throughout the night. I do think that you should get the mattress only if youโ€™re not satisfied with your current one. After all, a bed is an investment, and you might have to get used to it all over again. However, if you would like something soft and bouncy, do consider it.

So if you plan to get yourself The Emma Original Mattress, donโ€™t expect your first few โ€œdatesโ€ to be perfect. It is one of those beauties that take time to get used to โ€” and once you do, youโ€™re going to be horizontal more often.

Indeed, I enjoyed my experience with The Emma Original Mattress so much that I persuaded my colleagues to produce a concept ad video about it! Check out the video below!

Photos by Brandon Neo of the DANAMIC Team.
Concept Video courtesy of DNMC+ Productions.

The Emma Original Mattress





  • Breathable mattress that doesn't dampen when sweaty
  • Comfortable, especially when you are aching


  • Can be too soft for certain situations

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