
Rock the Block Live: Demystifying Blockchain and Cryptocurrency for the Masses

Rock the Block Live, a local YouTube channel, covers news, interviews, reviews, and updates on the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency scene in Asia.

The channel produces three types of videos as part of its primary content series: videos with hosts, special guests, and the occasional investigative narrative story on cryptocurrency, companies, creators, communities, and the ecosystem itself.

Rock the Block Live: Cover

Eugene Tay, one of the main hosts of the channel, explains that his passion for this industry started back in 2016 when he first got involved with Cryptocurrency.

“That was the time when I was running a brick and mortar company. I heard about Bitcoin back in 2012, but in 2016, I started exploring the industry and into what else I can do with blockchain and crypto,” Eugene explained. “The idea of cryptocurrency is detaching away from all these rules and regulations dictated by the government and forming an entire ecosystem based on what currency can be.”

According to him, countries globally will eventually find an equilibrium between regulation of governance with technology, thus ending resistance from countries such as China. But first, it needs to gain more traction.

The excitement in Eugene’s voice is palpable as he elaborates on how he got hooked into learning more about the industry. Although Singapore does not boast a burgeoning blockchain and cryptocurrency scene (yet), Eugene does not find any issues with creating these video content for his viewers, especially since explaining complex technical jargons in a simplified manner can be tricky – that is where Rock the Block Live comes in.

He said: “My style of delivering my news and information is (to feature) two guys chatting at a bar (and) having a drink. It is very candid. Every time a keyword is mentioned, someone has to take a drink.”

A very novel concept indeed; and has paid off with his daring and fresh concept, garnering him 12,500 subscribers on YouTube. With his newfound authority, Eugene intends to introduce future content to elevate Rock the Block Live and educate more about the blockchain industry in Singapore.

He divulged: “Our new video concept is named Block Trotters. It is basically like Amazing Race, where I will get influencers to go around Asia and give them 48 hours to complete challenges.”

With his enthusiasm for the industry and creativity with his video concepts, it is not difficult to see how Singapore’s blockchain and cryptocurrency industry will continue to grow the right way.

Photos by Darren Chiong of the DANAMIC team

Hwong Wei Chua

That unfunny, untalented dude who tells self-deprecating jokes of himself. A pretty damn good bottle-flipper too.

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