Winston Churchill

‘Bicentennial’ is 2019’s ‘it’ word, and it’s annoying

‘Bicentennial’ is 2019’s ‘it’ word, and it’s annoying

Four years ago, we had ‘SG50’ plastered all over every possible physical and digital space around us. This year, we have the b-word; yes, you guessed it, the word is ‘bicentennial’. 2019 saw many new and recurring Singaporean events jumping on board the ‘Bicentennial edition’ bandwagon. Is it just me, or is the b-word starting to become so overused? If I had a dollar every time “Bicentennial Edition” is said, I’ll probably have enough to buy a S$20 bicentennial note from Carousell’s black market. I’m not exaggerating here. With the exception of Bicentennial-special events such as the Raffles in Southeast…
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