E3 2019

Netflix and Video Games – The Foray into the Pixel Space

Netflix and Video Games – The Foray into the Pixel Space

Netflix has become an all-encompassing entity within the world in recent times; its presence permeating in millions of homes throughout the world. Production on regular original content has also been made possible all through the high volume of people using their services. Not content with ruling over the television world, Netflix wants to broaden their horizons and is seemingly also moving into the video game landscape. Like their venture into television, they have started small. One of the first projects was a mobile game based on the property of one of their most acclaimed series original series, Stranger Things. The…
E3 2019 Round-up: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Cyberpunk 2077, and more

E3 2019 Round-up: Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order Cyberpunk 2077, and more

E3 2019 has officially ended, and like previous years, a ton of exciting reveals and new information were at the forefront of the event. Letโ€™s take a look at the highlights from this yearโ€™s event. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order โ€“ The Beginning to the Road to Redemption? The handling of the Star Wars IP by Electronic Arts (EA) has not gone exceptionally well. There has been much bad press coming out of their Battlefront games and the cancellation of two prominent anticipated Star Wars games from Visceral Games and EA Motive. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is perhaps the…
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