
Tech Brief: McDonald’s Brings VR to Kids, Singtel Woos Spotify Fans, Tech Supergiant Defies FBI

Tech Brief: McDonald’s Brings VR to Kids, Singtel Woos Spotify Fans, Tech Supergiant Defies FBI

Welcome to Tech Brief, your weekly wrap-up on all thatโ€™s happened in the tech and startup industries this week!  This week, McDonald’s attempts to take over the faces of your children with its gaudy, oily Happy Meal boxes (all in the name of tech), local telco Singtel announces a VERY ATTRACTIVE price plan for Spotify subscribers and music lovers in general, Code School offers free online lessons on coding this weekend, Apple joined by its pals in its โ€œf*ck the popoโ€ saga, and more, all in this week’s Tech Brief, right here on DANamic.ORG! McDonald’s is about to take over…
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