
Time for Tekong: Preparing for NS

Time for Tekong: Preparing for NS

Sending your beloved son off to National Service is never easy, but what should he do to make his BMT easier? Read on to find out!
The Essential ORD Playlist

The Essential ORD Playlist

Congrats, soldier! You’ve waited 2 years/22 months for this. Countless outfields, combat rations, and weekend guard duties later, you’ve finally and blessedly arrived at your ORD date. Gone are the days of 5AM reveilles (and seeing a hundred people butcher the spelling of that word). You’re moving on to your next posting – CIVILIAN. Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this! Here at DANamic.ORG, we’ve got a few writers who are at various stages of their NS journey (a very cringeworthy word). Small matter though, because the writer behind this article is completing his full-time NS very, very (very) soon. 🙂 But wherever you are on…
NSFs Offer Advice To Pre-Enlistees

NSFs Offer Advice To Pre-Enlistees

“Aiya, two years only… very fast one lah!” ::: So you’re enlisting. That’s… fun. Being worried about leaving home, being screamed at by commanders, or being made fun of for your personal sleep routine are all valid fears. But because The DANAMIC Team is committed to walking the walk (24km route march, anyone?), we’ve asked some Singaporean sons who are currently serving their National Service for advice that they would offer to pre-enlistees. We’ve divided these tips into 4 categories: Attitudes, Admin Time Hacks, What To Bring, and Others. Some of these might help you, but situations might change and your company might have…
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