

5G is about to change the world, just not yours

5G is about to change the world, just not yours

Around a decade has passed since the implementation of 4G, and now it seems that the world is ready to move on to the next generation of mobile connectivity – 5G. Such is the hunger for this new technology that countries are competing on being the first to introduce it within their cities. US-based telecommunications provider Verizon Wireless recently went into a war of words with South Korea’s SK Telecom, dismissing the latter’s claims of being the first in the world to launch a 5G mobile network. But beneath the glitter and glow of 5G, is there anything that we…
HaikuJAM: What Really Happens When You Write Poetry With Strangers

HaikuJAM: What Really Happens When You Write Poetry With Strangers

In our last Tech Brief we mentioned hot new rising app “HaikuJAM… which allows users to collaborate on haikus from anywhere”. Since that post three weeks ago, we got four writers from The DANamic.ORG Editorial Team to give collaborative poetry a try, and here’s what they discovered. Bradley Yam, Chief Innovator & Arts Writer After playing around on HaikuJAM for a week, my main takeaways are: The Good – The UI is intuitive; any digital native will have no problem learning to navigate the app even if he has no idea what it is about. – Runs pretty quickly, although the…
3 Mobile Games to Play During CNY Visiting

3 Mobile Games to Play During CNY Visiting

We’ll be upfront: we don’t particularly enjoy visiting. We understand the need for tradition and appreciate the rationale behind it! Keeping in touch with family that you don’t see often is important, as is well-wishing that you may see everyone the following year. We just wish it wasn’t so awkward…and boring. You know what I mean. So as you inevitably slide your phone out as the snack-induced food coma sets in, here’s 3 mobile games (that are not the finger-cramping Candy Crush or the wallet-draining Clash of Clans) that you could play to pass time. They’re not free mobile games but…
“Lifeline” Isn’t Really A Game…

“Lifeline” Isn’t Really A Game…

Welcome to Mobile Mondays at DANamic.ORG! So mobile games have quickly taken over a large portion of the gaming industry and here at DANamic.ORG, we recognise that people like to spend their lunch breaks on games available on their phones. We’ll be showcasing games from the App Store (and Google Play) that we find interesting enough to capture your attention. Let’s get started with Mobile Mondays! Science-fiction is one thing I never seem to have any interest in. Maybe it’s because I’m terrified of suffocating in space (though it’s more of decompression with your blood boiling). Or maybe it’s because I’m…
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