
“Captain America: Civil War”: Marvel’s Best Movie To Date?

“Captain America: Civil War”: Marvel’s Best Movie To Date?

The 13th Marvel Studios film “Captain America: Civil War” is the franchise’s long-awaited peak. The Russo brothers get us invested in the ensemble of 12 heroes by pulling together an action-packed drama and setting the standard of how a comic book movie should be. Writers Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely bring an emotional narrative to screen by brilliantly highlighting characters’ dynamics on screen. The movie plays out like a Netflix binge, with entertaining action sequences and character-building dialogues. “Civil War” is set as as a sequel from “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” and “Avengers: Age of Ultron”. Based loosely on the comic plotline from 2006 –…
Tech Brief: Einstein Proven Right, Instagram Does Right, and Wi-Fi In Lightbulbs

Tech Brief: Einstein Proven Right, Instagram Does Right, and Wi-Fi In Lightbulbs

Welcome to Tech Brief, your weekly wrap-up on all that’s happened in the tech and startup industries this week!  It’s been an exciting week for geeks the Tech world, with a breakthrough in the search for gravitational waves, a major Instagram update (the one everyone’s been waiting for), and a new form of Wi-Fi that works through… the lightbulb in your home. Gravity Is Real, You Guys… Okay so it’s not that simple. The headline that Tech Insider used was more along the lines of “Scientists just detected gravitational waves for the first time ever”. 100 years after Einstein predicted their existence,…
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