
Madhvi Subrahamanian

From Lost Roots to Urban Meadows: Exploring the Crisscross Relationship Between Natural and Urban Landscapes

From Lost Roots to Urban Meadows: Exploring the Crisscross Relationship Between Natural and Urban Landscapes

“City life yields choices that change us, weaving an Urban Veil that thickens; we no longer see ourselves as part of the natural world.” The typescript imprinted on a wall of The Private Museum was attributed as a quote to Nandita Mukand, one of two artists behind the museum’s latest exhibition, ‘From Lost Roots to Urban Meadows’. The other mind behind the exhibition – Madhvi Subrahamanian – is similarly an artist that deliberates the interconnectedness of the natural and urban environments through sculptures and installations. It is no coincidence that both artisans in the spotlight are women – the joint…
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