Games to consider while on circuit breaker

Games to consider while on circuit breaker

Gaming; one of the most favoured activities to relax and wile away the hours. Though it has come under less than ideal circumstances, now is probably the best time to fish out your controller and start searching for something to play. So in wake of the recent circuit breaker implementation, here are our suggestions on some games to get into while you are stuck in your home. For the long haul With stay-at-home measures lasting till May and potentially could be extended longer, finding a game with content that lasts is probably high up among people’s list. Look no further…
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Review: A modern re-imagining

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Review: A modern re-imagining

Back to basics, that’s where Activision has decided to take the Call of Duty franchise. Despite the continued financial success of the series, there is a general consensus that the futuristic military theme from the past few games (excluding 2017’s Call of Duty: WWII) has gone stale. As such, the publisher thought it necessary to go back to the one that started the craze in order to reinvigorate the series, producing an all new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare game.  Developer Infinity Ward is again at the helm for the game and though it shares the same name and several…
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