Celebrate National Day with HANS IM GLÜCK’s “Die Die Must Try” menu!

Celebrate National Day with HANS IM GLÜCK’s “Die Die Must Try” menu!

HANS IM GLÜCK launches its “Die Die Must Try” menu – a Singapore-exclusive menu crafted in light of Singapore’s 54th birthday. Available from 1 July (Monday) to 31 August 2019 (Saturday), the National Day-special menu features HANS IM GLÜCK’s take on local delicacies; consisting of its KRABBE Burger, BEEF RENDANG Burger and Singapore Rose. KRABBE Burger KRABBE Burger (SG$16) The first and only seafood burger on the menu, HANS IM GLÜCK elevates the KRABBE Burger into a never-boring, nutritious and delicious burger – with no mess guaranteed. A fusion between HANS IM GLÜCK’s signature burgergrill and soft shell crab, the…
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