i Light Singapore 2024 and GastroBeats: Exciting Light Art, Food, Performances, and More!

If you’re anything like me, you would gladly choose to stay home over any events requiring me to expend a lot of energy. So when it comes to festivals in particular, I can probably count on one finger the number of times I dragged myself out of bed for a festival. However, when the opportunity to experience GastroBeats and i Light Singapore 2024 came up, I couldn’t pass it up. 

Happening from 31 May to 23 June 2024, GastroBeats and i Light Singapore 2024 are returning to illuminate the CBD and bring good vibes and food. After previewing most of the light installations and sampling the food offerings, we have compiled a list of installations, culinary highlights, and fun activities so that you’re guaranteed the best experience possible! So come along with me as I take you through the highlights of GastroBeats and i Light Singapore 2024.

i Light Singapore 2024: Our Highlights

As Asia’s leading sustainable light festival, i Light Singapore 2024 has illuminated Singapore with dazzling light art installations, and this year is no exception. In this year’s edition of the Festival, 25 artists from 11 countries present artworks inspired by the theme of Cyclical Nature and the colour green whilst exploring the endless potential for redesigning, restoring, and repurposing everyday objects! 

As with previous years, the Festival will return to Marina Bay and neighbouring precincts. So seize the chance to take a leisurely stroll through the neighbourhood whilst indulging in the thought-provoking and creative artworks along the way.

We got to preview the artworks ourselves, and it is safe to say we each have our own high-”lights” from the tour! So allow me to share with you the light art installations we would greatly recommend you to see with your own two eyes, and maybe you’ll have a tour route of i Light Singapore 2024 planned out with our picks!

Fish are Jumping

The first of many that bewitched us is “Fish are Jumping” by Studio Toer, a multidisciplinary design studio from the Netherlands. Located at the waterbody near Marina Bay’s lower boardwalk steps, the installation is inspired by the leaping of fish above the water’s surface and an ode to the delightful surprises you can find in everyday moments. 

As each leaping orb of light (aka the “fish”) breaks the water’s surface, a tapestry of light and shadow, movement and stillness, sound and silence is revealed. We were enchanted by how just simple elements like light, water, movement, and stillness can create such an elegant and enchanting sight. 

Can you spot all of the jumping “fish”?

Additionally, this installation’s location is the perfect spot to clear your head as you chill on the boardwalk steps and watch the rhythmic movement of the “fishes”. It truly opens your eyes to how small moments like the “fish” breaking the water’s surface can often be overlooked. If you take the time to appreciate and observe the little things, you’ll be surprised by how easily contentment can be found in the mundane and ordinary.

Arc ZERO: Nimbus

We moved on to “Arc ZERO: Nimbus” by Studio James Tapscott from Down Under. The installation features a ring of mist encircling the floating pontoon near the Red Dot Design Museum, and this is truly one of those works that you have to see to believe. 

Walking along the pontoon, we stood in awe, seeing the city skyline through a ring shrouded with mist. Making for the perfect object to frame your shots, this ethereal installation feels like a portal right smack of Singapore where one foot in, and you’ll be instantly transported to a different dimension. I don’t know about you, but this surely feels like it will be a hit amongst fans of the sorcerer superhero Doctor Strange of the MCU!

It feels as though you’ll be transported to the iconic cityscape across the water

Through minimal intervention, the installation animates the mundane and serves to remind us of the elemental forces like water, air, and light that sustain us. It also hopes to spark conversations on our rapid urbanisation and use of finite resources.

Iwagumi Air Scape

Then, over at The Promontory at Marina Bay, we have “Iwagumi Air Scape” by ENESS, an award-winning art and technology from Australia! What is Iwagumi, you ask? Well, Iwagumi refers to the Japanese art form where rocks are laid out in an aquascaped or underwater gardening style to emphasise nature’s raw and humble beauty.

This is the exact art form ENESS was inspired by; the result is air-filled inflatables carrying the allure and mystery of mountains within them. It transported us to an immersive, larger-than-life urban garden, and we were hit with a sense of wonder and awe as the “rocks” glowed in a kaleidoscope of colours. The colours and soundscapes evolve based on the movement of people passing through this stunning installation, which truly allowed me to completely immerse myself in the feeling of being a visitor to a magical garden straight out of a fairytale.

Straight out of a fairytale


Over at South Beach, a returning satellite site this year, an installation, “Lumi” by art collective 65 SQM @ SUSA SPACE, awaits you! Situated in the Fountain Plaza at South Beach Avenue Level 1, this dynamic artwork is shaped like a meandering river to embody its fluidity and perpetual flux while paying tribute to Singapore’s maritime heritage. 

Have fun whilst remoulding the artwork by sitting on it!

Besides admiring the river-like installation, it also invites you to play, connect, and reflect. With its tactile and immersive nature, mould and remould the artwork while engaging with others! This is achieved through sitting on illuminated yoga balls wrapped in upcycled net fabric—you can move around, play, rest, and interact with others!

Modern Guru and the Path to Artificial Happiness

Lastly, we headed over to Millenia Walk to view its sole installation. Entitled “Modern Guru and the Path to Artificial Happiness”, this is another brilliant installation by ENESS. The larger-than-life satellite site takes you through an immersive journey that comments on the role that technology plays in shaping one’s perception of fulfilment in the current digital age.

The exploration of AI integration was cool to see. It comes into play when you enter the ceremonial shroud, where you’re greeted by the Modern Guru, a translucent ovoid with four imposing large digital eyes that spews AI-generated absurdist messages from its mouth. Traditionally, gurus are a guide to attaining spiritual enlightenment and happiness, so to see it spreading such messages was a sharp contrast to its archetype! 

What messages will you receive from the Modern Guru?

When you point your camera lens to capture a glimpse of the Modern Guru, a new message will reveal itself, which I won’t spoil so you can experience it for yourself. This experience truly allowed me to understand better the consequences technology has on how I seek fulfilment in life.

Undoubtedly, these aren’t the only light art installations on display at the Festival, but if I were to continue talking about everything I loved about every installation, this might never end. Check out the installations for yourself, and I’m sure you’ll find your personal favourites too!

As part of this year’s Festival, a special shuttle service called, the i Light River Cruise Shuttle Service offers a seamless and scenic journey across the Bay as you view the water-based light art installations and those found along the Marine Bay waterfront. So if you don’t want to do all the walking to see the installations, hop onto the shuttle for a refreshing vantage point of the installations! The ticketed service will be available on Fridays, Saturdays (excluding 15 and 22 June 2024), Sundays, and public holidays during the Festival period.

GastroBeats: F&B Booths to Try

Like in previous years, GastroBeats has adopted an open-air concept that provides stunning views of the towering CBD buildings and iconic local landmarks like the Marina Bay Sands. When I first stepped into the space, my senses felt overwhelmed as it seemed there were never-ending rows of stalls and zones.

The food choices are endless here at GastroBeats!

With over 70 F&B booths to choose from, we decided to be more selective and aim for stalls that caught our eye. But who am I kidding? Our table still had a massive variety of food.

Before I give you the must-tries lowdown, I must warn you. I’m sure we all know very well how hot Singapore is, and while I appreciate the giant standing fans scattered around, they weren’t quite enough. I would advise bringing a portable electronic fan to keep cool at all times. And bring tissues too so that you can wipe the table down (and maybe your mouth too after stuffing your face with food!).

The Curry Club Singapore

Now back to what you came for—the food. We were spoilt for choice, as there is an enticing array of local and international cuisines, making it a feast for the senses! The first booth we approached was The Curry Club Singapore. We asked what they would recommend, and we were presented with a set of 6 Rollin’ Dosas (Mix & Match for S$16); thin savoury crepes from South Indian cuisine. In The Curry Club Singapore’s version, they have rolled the dosas into mini cones!

We were given three flavours: Potato Masala, Sambal Ikan Bilis, and Mysore Mutton. We went a little overboard taking pictures, so the dosas had gone slightly cold, but the fillings maintained their flavourfulness! The crepes were delightful to bite into, with perfectly crisp edges and a soft centre before they gave way to the spicy and comforting fillings. 

A little pick-me-up!

My only gripe with the dosas was just how tiny they were. Since we ordered 6 to share amongst us three, each person got 2 to sample. While I didn’t attempt it, I imagined I could have easily fit two dosas into my mouth! I would recommend the dosas as more of a snack or appetiser rather than a main course.

Kwazy Korndogs

Next up, we went to find out if the corndogs from Kwazy Korndogs are as “kwazy” as they claim. Traditionally, Korean corn dogs are hot dogs coated in batter before they are deep fried and finished with sugar, providing a sweet and savoury contrast. However, Kwazy Korndogs have taken this further, offering a playful twist by infusing local flavours into the corndogs! Maybe that’s what makes these corndogs “kwazy”. 

We ordered a platter of 4 corndogs, choosing at least two with local flavours. So we ended up with Milo (S$9), Pandan (S$9), Cheesy (S$8), and Classic (S$7). Yes, call us basic, but we got a classic, too. We need a control case, after all!

The corndogs were so aesthetically pleasing we couldn’t stop at just one photo

Of the four flavours, the Pandan was the one we were most stoked to sink our teeth into. It stood out with its green appearance and unusual promise of a fusion of local and Korean tastes. And boy, it didn’t disappoint. Taking a bite into its crispy green battered exterior, instead of the standard sugar coating, the gula melaka in the corndog emitted a rich, caramel-like sweetness. The corndog’s cheesy middle was also a nice, savoury contrast to the gula melaka’s sweet taste.

Although Pandan was a sweet delight, the other three didn’t exactly pull their weight in flavour. Sure, they checked off the boxes for what constitutes a corndog, but sadly, they just weren’t as delicious as I had anticipated. However, if you’re looking for a typical corndog or want to taste the unusual corndog flavours, Kwazy Korndog is a decent option.

Cheeky Bee Hoon

Looking for more filling mains? I got you. Run by Chef Darwin Wong, formally from the two Michelin-starred restaurant Jaan, Cheeky Bee Hoon is where the classic bee hoon has been made extraordinary due to Darwin’s masterful execution. I even got to see the man himself behind the counter, working tirelessly to serve up steaming bowls of bee hoon. 

What drew me to this booth was its black Chinese signboard inscribed with golden-coloured Chinese characters written in calligraphy. It reminded me of the many lookalike Chinese signboards traditionally hung above the entrances of our local Chinese temples, schools, and even private homes. With a metal gate beside the booth’s window reminiscent of metal gates you find typically in front of our HDB flats’ doors, it was clear they had put in the effort to make their booth stand out and bring a sense of home to customers whilst promoting local cuisine.

Of course, we had to order their star dish, the Signature Cheeky Bee Hoon (S$14). After just a couple of bites, it was evident Chef Darwin’s got the culinary chops. Warm, comforting, homely — these are the three words I would use to describe the dish. We were given soupy bee hoon noodles in a paper cup with plentiful ingredients like fresh lala and meatballs. Though simple, we were enthused by its stellar broth and silky smooth noodles. Add the savoury lala and meatballs, and you will have the perfect bee hoon that is anything but bland.

One of the best bee hoon dishes you can find in Singapore is right here at GastroBeats


Want another out-of-the-box creation? Then head over to CONED! for their intriguing cones! Sorry to disappoint, but this isn’t an ice cream cone stand. Instead, CONED! serves sweet and savoury cones where they declare (at least according to their signage) that you can “hold the flavours in your hand”. Some examples to give you a clearer picture include their Pick Me Up Tiramisu, where the traditional Italian dessert tiramisu has been transformed to be the “ice cream” in a cone. 

You’ve heard of pizza in a mug and cupcake cases, but get ready for pizza in a cone! In this creative presentation, the Beef Pepperoni Cone Pizza (S$13) has its dough baked to be the cone, and cheesy mozzarella and beef pepperoni are loaded into it. 

It’s not every day you can eat your pizza from a cone!

With its gooey, warm, cheesy goodness and savoury pepperoni, it felt almost illegal not to lick the sweet, cold ice cream from its soft cone. Overall, the cone is not the most delicious pizza I’ve had in my life, but it definitely has the “it” factor for IG-worthy pictures.

No Time Hot Pot

Finally, we have a dish that I highly doubt any Singaporean has heard of before. That’s right, we have mala hot pot, but in a bucket! Over at No Time Hot Pot, they’re bringing the heat to GastroBeats with their mala hot pot dishes! For many of us, “no time” is the go-to excuse for not wanting to do things, but No Time Hot Pot is here to change that. 

Packed in a plastic, portable tub, No Time Anyhow (S$14.80) is filled with instant noodles and generous heaps of steamboat ingredients, including fried tofu, fried crispy pork, and more. Considering our setting — an outdoor festival littered with open-air benches and tables — we appreciated how suitable the bucket was for sharing with others and consuming from. For easier consumption, we opted for the dry version. Intensely flavoured with mala, No Time Anyhow was too spicy for my liking, but this is true for spicy hot mala fans. 

No Time Anyhow is bringing the heat to GastroBeats!

These aren’t the only foods offered at GastroBeats. It has so much in store culinary-wise, so it’s a great place to explore the diversity of our local food scene and the mouth-watering delights from outside of Singapore. For example, there will be an Indonesian Zone for the first time in GastroBeats’ history, so you can have a taste of Indonesia right here at GastroBeats!

So, after you’ve completed your tour of i Light Singapore 2024’s artworks and installations, come down to GastroBeats to grab a bite to eat! You deserve to fill your stomach with delicious food after the walking excursion.

Coca-Cola Food Fest Zone at GastroBeats

As one of the major sponsors of this year’s edition of GastroBeats, Coca-Cola has a dedicated activation titled Coca-Cola Food Fest Zone right here in GastroBeats! Filled with multi-sensorial games and activities, this zone is where you can capture Insta-worthy photos whilst playing games and savour the refreshing taste of Coca-Cola.

And that’s not all! To make it absolutely worthwhile, you can take a mission card and purchase a Coke x food combo before completing at least 3 out of the 5 activities on said mission card to redeem a gift! Some prizes up for grabs include Coca-Cola branded Hoodies, Multifunctional Bags, Sports Bags, Utensil Sets, Keychains, and more! 

To determine what prize you win, you’ll have to redeem the gift by getting a capsule at the Gachapon Machine on-site that tells you the prize you’ll receive. I don’t know about you, but I started working on the activities as soon as I heard about the attractive prizes available!

The 5 activities available include the Photo Booth, Recycle Me, Rock Paper Scissors, Schweppes Golf Tic Tac Toe, and Discover Your Schweppes Personality. That’s right, the soft drink brand Schweppes is a next-door neighbour to Coca-Cola’s zone with its own activities for you to attempt to complete your mission card as well. Allow me to take you through what these 5 activities are all about!

The Coca-Cola Food Fest was not hard to spot with its neon-lit, bright red Coca-Cola sign and with just how red the zone is. Walking through the entrance, you’ll be greeted by a life-sized Coca-Cola can installation, surrounded by bright white lights stuck to a wall, all with the activities that await you.

Coca-Cold Food Fest Zone is not hard to spot with its bright, entirely red design

Photo Booth

Firstly, the Photo Booth is pretty self-explanatory. If you’re up to date with the trends, photo booths have been one of the biggest current Gen Z crazes, with the booths popping up rapidly across Singapore in the last few years. 

Have fun snapping pictures of you and your friends, which you can take home as long vertical red photo strips! This activity is simple and gives you a keepsake you can take home to remember the day, so why hesitate to complete the mission card?

Recycle Me

Beside the Photo Booth is Recycle Me, an activity similar to the basketball hoop games you might find at your local arcades. However, you’ll be given Coca-Cola bottles instead of the usual basketballs to throw into the hoops! Channel your inner NBA player and try to score 5 bottles through the basketball hoops! 

This special booth supports GastroBeats’ sustainability efforts. Hence, you are encouraged to recycle at least 5 Coca-Cola bottles at the recycling bins available! By recycling 5 bottles, you can get an additional capsule at their Gachapon Machine to redeem another gift.

Don’t throw away your shot at the Recycle Me game!

Rock Paper Scissors

Then, head over to Rock Paper Scissors, a unique spin on the classic game of the same name! If you think it’s simply the standard intransitive hand game where you throw out paper, rock, or scissor hand shapes, you’re half right. 

While the paper, rock, and scissors signs are still used, you’ll use large paddles to represent the signs instead of using your hands. Enter an intense battle of a larger-than-life version of rock, paper, scissors and see who in your group emerges victorious!

Coca-Cola Food Fest Zone’s version of Rock, Paper Scissors takes the game to the next level

Golf Tic Tac Toe

After battling it out, you can visit Schweppes’ yellow-coloured zone, where you can play Schweppes’ Golf Tic Tac Toe. It’s exactly what it sounds like, combining the sport of golf and the classic paper-and-pencil two-player game. Rather than using a pencil to mark the spaces, you’ll be given golf clubs to attempt to hit a golf ball into the spaces you wish to capture. 

Adding the element of golf adds a level of challenge and intensity to the easy mechanics of Tic-Tac-Toe. At times, you might even tear your hair out when the ball doesn’t go into the space’s hole as you’ve planned, so be strategic in your space capturing! This is definitely a fun twist to the childhood game we all know and love, plus it’s great for any golf enthusiasts you know.

Become a golfing genius here at Schweppes’ Golf Tic Tac Toe!

Discover Your Schweppes Personality

Last but not least, is Discover Your Schweppes Personality. A touchscreen game strictly for those 18 and older, discover your inner cocktail and inner Schweppes product based on a personality check! Once you’ve completed the game, you can also take a selfie using the touchscreen installation for a digital souvenir.

Coca-Cola Food Fest is Coca-Cola’s way of bringing magic to the festival. Exciting activities, opportunities for memorable photos, and, of course, pairing your food with ice-cold Coca-Cola amidst great companionship. Everything you could ask for is right here at Coca-Cola Food Fest, so visit the zone before it’s too late!

Gigs and Other Fun Activities at GastroBeats

Putting the “beats” in GastroBeats are the GIG-ers of GastroBeats! When you want a break from the games and food, kick back and listen to the live performances of local artists at GastroBeats’ gigs

Some of the artists you can look forward to include CTRL CHAOS, a local Alternative Pop-Rock band; Farhan, who performs with his friend Bob as a two-piece acoustic duo; Gaston, a student of the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music; Jasper Parulan, a folk-acoustic pop singer who hails from the Philippines; indie singer-songwriter SOPES, whose music is influenced by popular artists like Hozier and FINNEAS; and Curry the Basil, a pop-punk band!

I was treated to some spectacular performances by some of the artists I’ve mentioned above, and I have to tell you, they are one to watch in the music scene. Be serenaded by a wide variety of new and familiar genres and tunes; maybe you’ll discover your new favourite artist at GastroBeats’ gigs!

Jasper Parulan singing his heart out on stage!

As I strolled around the GastroBeats space, I noticed many other activations and zones you don’t want to miss out on! As GastroBeats is pet friendly, they have a space dedicated to your furry friends! At the Pet Market by ClubMarket, you can find pet toys, food, and many more items made just for your pets. 

Aside from the dedicated animal booth, there’s something for the young ones too! Uncle Ringo Entertainment will take you and the kids on a nostalgic adventure through their exhilarating carnival games and carnival rides. From carousels to a pirate ship and more, the fun never stops here at the Uncle Ringo Entertainment zone.

iClaw Taiwan is also here to add to the fun! Try your hand at Taiwanese-style claw machines, and with over 60 toy catcher machines, I’m sure you’ll find a prize to your liking and have a high chance of catching them all. iClaw Taiwan also has traditional arcade games such as Basketball and Time Crisis to choose from if you’re not a fan of toy catchers.

i Light Singapore 2024 and GastroBeats Details

Stunning light art installations, mouth-watering cuisines, amazing live music performances, and so much more—this is what this year’s Festival promises to bring, and after experiencing it for myself, I can say they’ve successfully kept this promise and even surpassed my expectations! 

What are you waiting for? The Festival is keeping its lights on for a limited time, so you should head down for the whole experience before it’s over!

i Light Singapore 2024

🗓️Date: 31 May to 24 June 2024

💲Price: Free Admission
⏰Time: 4pm to 11pm (with extended hours to 12am, Midnight on Fridays and Saturdays)

i Light Singapore 2024 is here to light up our city! For more information on the Festival, check out their website.


🗓️Date: 31 May to 24 June 2024
📍Location: 12A Bayfront Ave, Singapore 018970
💲Price: Free Admission
⏰Time: 4pm to 11pm

Coca-Cola Food Fest Zone

🗓️Date: 31 May to 24 June 2024
💲Price: Free
⏰Time: 4pm to 11pm for the duration of GastroBeats

GastroBeats is here to bring all the fun! For more information, head over to GastroBeats’ website.

Photos by Eshani N J of the DANAMIC Team. Additional visuals courtesy of Coca-Cola Singapore and i Light Singapore 2024.

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