Egg-citing new salted egg kiosk Xian Dan Chao Ren opens at Waterway Point!

I’m sure many of us here know about the whole salted egg frenzy. And, while it’s certainly not a new thing, it has shown that it is something that is here to say. 

And that’s why I’m here to tell you about the launch of salted egg food kiosk, Xian Dan Chao Ren (XCDR) – which means Salted Egg Hero in Chinese – at Waterway Point! 

You can choose the serving size you want!

Now, at this point, I know what you must be thinking: Another salted egg place? Well, what if I told you that XCDR donates food to lower-income families when they reach an order quota? This means that by buying from them, you will also contribute to helping those in need! 

XCDR donates food to lower-income families every time they reach their order quota

Not to mention, XCDR takes recommendations from social media and tries its best to incorporate them into their menus. You’ll also receive some offers sent back to you for your thoughts too. It’s how they come up with the wackiest ideas, such as the salted egg durian, to make for a more interactive experience!

XDCR revolves around five main ingredients: Chicken, Pumpkin, Mantou, Lotus Root and Fish

Their launch menu revolves around five main ingredients: Chicken, Pumpkin, Mantou (fried bun), Lotus Root and Fish. You can choose to order this ala carte or with rice. If you can’t decide between them, you can opt for the ultimate combo, which offers all five ingredients! 

You can also choose to have your dishes served in wet or dry variants, with your sauce served separately. This means that if you are going for a takeaway, your food won’t turn soggy. 

Everything in XCDR is served in-house, including their signature salted egg sauce

Every item in XCDR is served in-house, including their signature salted egg sauce, which is ground from whole salted eggs. This sets XCDR apart from the usual powder or premade packets available in the market, and you’ll be able to savour the difference (because I sure did). 

As for the taste itself, I tried the Ultimate Combo, as well as the Chicken with Rice combo.

Ultimate Team Up Platter (SGD 15.90), with all five main ingredients!

Although I like salted egg, I usually wouldn’t stomach too much of it at once. However, at first bite, all those doubts went away. The sauce wasn’t too thick, and I found myself not being able to stop. The platter was a buffet of different salted-egg dishes, and it was perfect for indecisive people like me. 

Xian Dan Chao Ren Chicken with Rice combo (SGD 6.90)

I’d tell you which was my favourite among the platter, but honestly, I can’t choose — all was too good! The mantou bread was really soft, and even though I’m not a big fan of lotus, I finished all of theirs. The flavours were aromatic but also not too overwhelming. That’s why I’d recommend this to all — especially those who want to try out salted egg for the first time!

Another thing to note was the packaging of the food. As a fellow Gen Z, I appreciate all things aesthetic. When I saw the Instagrammable-boxes, it was love at first sight for me. The whole process of opening up the box to see mouth-watering salted egg dishes was also fascinating and helped boost the entire experience. 

With prices below $10 for all the single-serve portions, I’d say that the price range is also pretty affordable. With a reasonable portion size, delicious food, aesthetic and convenient packaging really, what more can you ask for? 

XDCR is also having a promotion this month. For the rest of March, all returning customers get to enjoy a 10% discount return voucher! So head on down to this cosy kiosk, tucked conveniently near Koi and TuK Tuk Cha (so you can get some bubble tea to pair with your meal!) — I assure you, you won’t regret it! 

Xian Dan Chao Ren 咸蛋超人 (Your Salted Egg Hero)

Address: Waterway Point, 83 Punggol Central, #B1-K4, Singapore 828761
Operating Hours: Daily, from 11am to 10pm
Social Media: Facebook and Instagram
Official Website

Photos by Darren Chiong of the DANAMIC Team.

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