2 New Spring Flavours From Haagen Dazs For The Blistering Heat

Ice-cream has got to be one of the most amazing inventions of humans ever. Who would have thought that something of a part-liquid, part-solid state could bring so much joy regardless of season? Be it on days where the sun is simply out to kill with the heat, or netflixing (and chilling) with the sweater weather, ice-cream is perfect for literally any time.

To me, Haagen Dazs is the holy grail of all ice-cream – quality ice-cream that never disappoints with every scoop of the spoon. Even got me begging for more once the aftertaste wears off. I believe many would agree!

This Spring, Haagen Dazs is not only going to wow your palette with its classical faves such as Macadamia Nut, Green Tea and Dulce de Leche. For a limited time only, it’s delighting us all with 2 new flavours for the season: Lavender with Blueberry, and the Japanese-inspired Cherry Blossom!

The Cherry Blossom flavour’s highlight is a tangy cherry sauce swirl that perfectly compliments the sweet floral notes, while the Lavender with Blueberry enchants the sweet tooth with a dewy Blueberry jam that is made from a perfect combination of juicy Eastern Canadian blueberries and smaller but sweeter European blueberries, together with lavender that’s exclusively sourced from the Mediterranean Coast!

From 9th March to end June 2018
, these delectable flavours will be patiently waiting in all major supermarkets and convenience stores, as well as at all Haagen Dazs outlets.

It’s best not to take my word for it. Get out there and beat the blistering heat with Haagen Dazs’ limited flavours!

All images courtesy of Haagen Dazs Singapore.

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