Rose Quartz and Serenity: Getting Ready For 2016

After last year’s vitriol over Marsala, 2015’s Colour of the Year which Jezebel helpfully described as “the mould growing in your bathroom that no one will clean”, it seems Pantone has adopted a softer approach to their annual declaration of self-importance.

For the first time since the yearly shebang started in Y2K, the international colour standards company (we like to call them The Rainbow Police) has just announced not one, but two Colours of the Year for 2016. READY YOUR BODIES FOR…


Rose Quartz and Serenity. So soft, so pastel, so very tumblr.

But wait…

Where have we seen those colours before..?


1-800-TRENDSETTER. But Drake‘s not the only one. That colour scheme seems oddly familiar somehow…

In the official announcement, Pantone explains the glorified colours. “In many parts of the world we are experiencing a gender blur as it relates to fashion, which has in turn impacted colour trends throughout all other areas of design.”

“This more unilateral approach to colour is coinciding with societal movements toward gender equality and fluidity, the consumer’s increased comfort with using colour as a form of expression, a generation that has less concern about being typecast or judged and an open exchange of digital information that has opened our eyes to different approaches to colour usage.”

In celebration of that, here are some Rose Quartz and Serenity #aesthetic for you to sigh to. Even better: you can purchase some of these items and prepare your looks for the year ahead!

For your Twitter/Facebook header images (obviously).

Coming soon to Sephora for $18 and only available through the online store!

Now you can drool all over the Colours of the Year while lying on your couch.

The perfect Christmas gift for your friends with synesthesia.

Rows and rows and rows of Rose Quartz/Serenity iPhone cases!!!

In terms of interior design, this year’s colours also go well with wood

…and other similar pale coffee shades like Fog (13-0607) and Chanterelle (16-1414).

Overwhelmed? No worries. You’ve got a whole year to wrap your head around your new favourite colours.

Find out more about Pantone on their official website here.

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